Scholer Home
24-hr Emergency Shelter for Girls 10-18
Residential Program for Girls 12-18
Scholer Home is a safe haven for young girls escaping a family crisis or abuse. It is a residential home licensed for both temporary emergency placements and longer-term residents ages 12-18.
The Purpose of Scholer Home
This home provides a residence for girls and aims at their growth toward responsible behavior and returning home or emancipation. The components of the program are:
- Participation in group activities
- Incentives for positive behavior in house and school
- Tutorial help in academic areas
- Independent living skills
- Local individual and family counseling and follow-up
All girls attend either local schools or are involved in an alternative education program as appropriate.
Contact Us
Scholer Home
A safe environment
Summer employment and participation in community activities are strongly encouraged. Scholer Home is licensed for up to 7 children. All placements are referred by Probation, the Department of Child Services, or the Department of Education. Children will be eligible for admission regardless of their religious or racial background. Admission decisions are made by the staff. Agencies should call Scholer Home prior to placement to ensure a bed is available.
Scholer Home is a safe environment for girls in our community. We are proud to offer a place where these girls can find hope and opportunity while working on treatment goals.